The pet edge blog family would love to here your answers concerning the benefits of owning a pet. The article below will give you some great insights on the value of our pets and the incredible role they play in our lives.
As a nation of pet lovers, we share our homes with 7.5 million cats and 6.1 million dogs. Half of all UK households own a pet and it will come as no surprise to animal lovers that research shows that pets are good for our health. Scientific research testifies to this 'pet power' and budgies, gerbils, rabbits, cats, dogs and fish all have their part to play. Contact with animals can bring real physiological and psychological benefits: reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, aiding recovery and boosting chances of survival after a life-threatening illness.
Pets can play an important role in people's lives and they are often referred to as 'one of the family'. As well as providing a constant source of enjoyment, friendship and fun, many pets thrive in a family and household environment.
What's more, an increasing wealth of research is proving that pet ownership has considerable health benefits. One of the more obvious benefits is that of exercise - dog walking or playing with a cat is a great way for people to burn a few more calories. In addition, contact with animals can bring real physiological and psychological benefits: reducing stress, helps preventing illness and allergies, lowering blood pressure and aiding recovery.
The article brings to light some of the important benefits to owning a pet. The pet edge blog family would love for you to comment on the story or send us some email regarding how you benefit from owning a pet...or lots of pets!
You can read more of the story here!
Article Resource from "The Pet Council"