Monday, November 12, 2007

Getting technical with Naughty Dog co-president Christophe Balestra

Getting technical with Naughty Dog

co-president Christophe Balestra By Frank Caron | Published: October 30, 2007 - 11:11PM CT

Ben and I got into a little scuffle over whether Uncharted was going to make a dent this holiday season, and almost immediately Sony contacted us to say yes, this is a game everyone should be interested in. To prove the point, they scheduled a chat with former Chief Technical Officer turned co-president of Naughty Dog, Christophe Balestra, and he had some interesting details on why you need to be watching this game. Make up your own mind. Walk us through the history of Uncharted. Where did the core ideas come from? The history of Uncharted … wow, it's been a long process. We started about three years ago with a tiny group and once we were done with Jak X, everybody moved over to start working on Uncharted. The development was difficult at the beginning because we started with zero lines of code. The fact that we had our own language on the PS2 helped us back then, but not very much with this transition. We wanted our technology to be shared within Sony and maybe outside of Sony as well, so we had to rewrite everything in C++. It has also been a learning curve to get familiar with the shaders but I feel that we did more than catching up, we really pushed the envelop in terms of shaders and lighting.

Animation was the thing we wanted to push more than anything else. We had to write very specific tools and get animators and programmers to work together constantly to get the quality of Uncharted. From what we understand, Uncharted is using some fairly intense technology that's proprietary to the PS3. Besides the high-dynamic range lighting and water effects showcased in the PSN behind-the-scenes videos, how are you utilizing the power of the PS3 in your game? The PlayStation 3 has a lot of power. When we started Uncharted we were really ambitious and had no idea what the PS3 would give us. Once we got the first devkits, we realized quickly that we could do everything we had planned to. The three main points for me are the Cell, Blu-Ray and the hard drive. We’ve been using the Cell for pretty much all our systems: rendering, particles, physics simulation, collision detection, animation, AI, decompression, water simulation, etc … and to give you an idea of the power of the PS3, we're using only 30 percent of the Cell processor. In terms of Blu-Ray, we just couldn’t have made Uncharted without it; with Uncharted we have almost filled it (91 percent). We're also using the hard drive to pre-cache data from the Blu-Ray disc. That allows us to stream up to 12 streams for sound, load level data super fast and more importantly to stream textures constantly to guarantee high-res quality on the screen. Aside from the technology of the hardware, what is Naughty Dog doing with the title to leverage features unique to the PS3? Are there plans for downloadable content through the PSN, for example? Uncharted has a trophy system to unlock a lot of cool features and also gives you an idea of how a good a player you are. In the future, we’ll be looking at how to incorporate those features into Home. Uncharted is coming out at a time where the competition for the gaming dollar is, to put it lightly, intense. Do you have any misgivings about releasing the game at a time with such a dense collection of games that also have big names attached to them? Naughty Dog has just created a new big name which is Uncharted. We are really proud and confident about the quality of our game. I'm sure Uncharted is going to be one of the best games this holiday-season. One of the on-going concerns about the PlayStation 3 has been that development is a difficult process. Frame rate problems, engine inconsistencies, and more seem to be par for the course, and we've seen third-party developers dropping title features and even games altogether because development is either just too difficult or too costly. What has Naughty Dog done to cope with these problems? What is the team doing differently than the competition? First of all, Naughty Dog is exclusively focused on the PS3 which makes our task a little bit easier. That said, we are completely aware of some of the issues that teams can have and we've been trying to help them. Sony has released "Playstation Edge," a set of high level tools and runtime libraries to facilitate the use of the PS3. A big part of that technology has been developed here at Naughty Dog and we have a group of programmers dedicated to this effort. We're also planning on giving a lot of talks about how we made Uncharted and have no secrets about our technology. I think the PS3 is the machine of the future, the transition might not be super easy but Sony knows and is helping third-party developers. If you look at other industries we just have to deal with a multicore processor and in companies like Google programmers probably deal with thousands of machines, so in terms of complexity I think it’s totally manageable.

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Cruelty: PetSmart Employee Beats Dogs, Keeps Job

Matt watched a PetSmart PetsHotel employee strike several dogs while waiting to pick up his pet. Matt immediately spoke with the store manager, who called the next day called to condemn the employee's actions as 'horribly inappropriate,' and to promise that the employee would no longer work with dogs. Ten days later, Matt received another call, this time from the District Manager.

..the District Manager called us back and stated that she watched the video in slow motion, and that while she could understand how we interpreted the employee's gestures to have been inappropriate, that she has concluded that the man was just playing with the animals, did not in fact strike any dogs, and was not inappropriate.

Matt writes:

On Sunday, October 21, my wife and I picked up our dog from the Petsmart Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia (at Potomac Yards) where he had been boarded for one night. As we waited for our dog to be retrieved, we watched a live video stream of the day care room on a monitor facing us. The room appeared to be overcrowded with more than a dozen large dogs in a relatively small space. One employee could be seen in the middle of the crowd of dogs. Suddenly, both my wife and I saw this employee raise his hand and strike a dog. We were shocked by what we saw. Outraged, we immediately pointed this out the desk employee and requested to see a manager. As we waited, we continued to watch the video feed and witnessed the worker strike two or three more dogs. The Pet Hotel manager came out and we explained what we saw. We asked that this matter would be investigated and that the individual we saw strike the dogs would be removed from caring for dogs. We weren't looking for any deal from Petsmart or to threaten any legal action -- we just wanted a firm answer that this employee would no longer be left in the care of any animals.

The following day we received calls from both the Pet Hotel manager as well as the store manger. The Pet Hotel manager told me personally that she watched the video and found the worker's actions "unacceptable." In a separate conversation, the store manager stated that he watched the video "about 12 times" and also found it horribly inappropriate. Next we received a call from the District Manager who was incredibly evasive in her statements and stated she would get back to us after a full investigation, but that the employee in question was still working with dogs while the investigation took place. Ten days after the incident, the District Manager called us back and stated that she watched the video in slow motion, and that while she could understand how we interpreted the employee's gestures to have been inappropriate, that she has concluded that the man was just playing with the animals, did not in fact strike any dogs, and was not inappropriate. In response, we very reasonably asked if we could watch the video with her so she could show us what she saw. She said no.

Since this incident, we have canceled all his future stays. We are outraged by what we saw and even more troubled that despite two managers having told us that they agreed that the employee was inappropriate, the district manager not only concluded otherwise, but refused to show us her interpretation. Petsmart has handled this in the worst possible way, excusing the conduct of an employee who hit dogs he was entrusted to care.

We feel the right thing to do is to let the community know about this incident so that dog owners can consider this incident when finding care for their dogs. Needless to say, we feel strongly that Petsmart Hotel is not a dependable or safe place to trust for care of D.C.-area pets.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Webinar Attendance Rates Revisited

People continue to ask me about what they should expect in terms of attendance versus registration on their webinars. There is not a single answer, as averages vary based on a number of factors.

For general open-call marketing or lead generation webinars where you are soliciting attendance from the public at large, you can usually count on about a 33% attendance rate. That's right... 2/3 of your projected audience won't show up. So if you are in the game merely to build up quantities of names in your raw lead list, you might as well put all of your effort into getting folks to complete the event registration form.

read more here

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Behavioral Science Turns to Dogs for Answers

The Pet Edge Family Blog posts a unique story about Behavioral Science and the answers dogs can give us.

For a long time, domesticated dogs were seen as just the slobbering, dumbed-down ancestor of the wild wolf. Dogs, though, have learned a few tricks of their own through the millennia -- and can teach us a lot about ourselves.

Guinness the border collie loves the program. Flip on the monitor, and she can sit for hours watching the colorful images flitting across the screen -- like a teenager in front of a Playstation. As soon as the images change she presses the touch screen with her nose. If she selects the correct one of two photos, a piece of dry dog food automatically drops down to her feet. If she selects the wrong one, the screen turns red for a moment, and then the exercise continues. You can read more of the story here.

By Julia Koch

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Pet Edge Blog asks "Is there any human health benefits in owning a pet?"

The pet edge blog family would love to here your answers concerning the benefits of owning a pet. The article below will give you some great insights on the value of our pets and the incredible role they play in our lives.

As a nation of pet lovers, we share our homes with 7.5 million cats and 6.1 million dogs. Half of all UK households own a pet and it will come as no surprise to animal lovers that research shows that pets are good for our health. Scientific research testifies to this 'pet power' and budgies, gerbils, rabbits, cats, dogs and fish all have their part to play. Contact with animals can bring real physiological and psychological benefits: reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, aiding recovery and boosting chances of survival after a life-threatening illness.

Pets can play an important role in people's lives and they are often referred to as 'one of the family'. As well as providing a constant source of enjoyment, friendship and fun, many pets thrive in a family and household environment.

What's more, an increasing wealth of research is proving that pet ownership has considerable health benefits. One of the more obvious benefits is that of exercise - dog walking or playing with a cat is a great way for people to burn a few more calories. In addition, contact with animals can bring real physiological and psychological benefits: reducing stress, helps preventing illness and allergies, lowering blood pressure and aiding recovery.

The article brings to light some of the important benefits to owning a pet. The pet edge blog family would love for you to comment on the story or send us some email regarding how you benefit from owning a pet...or lots of pets!

You can read more of the story here!

Article Resource from "The Pet Council"

pet, pet edge, pets, animals, dogs

Monday, August 27, 2007

A Pet Edge Blog Dedication to a Friend That Lost Their Pet

This is a special dedication from the Pet Edge Blog family to our special friend Lisa that lost her "special friend" a few days ago.The Pet Edge

Here's a little poem, which you may have seen before, but it always seems to touch animal lovers:

"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge"

When a pet passes that has been especially close,
they depart to live near Rainbow Bridge.
Here there are meadows and hills for play,
And no suffering or pain do they acknowledge.

Health and vigor are restored to their life,
No fear or sorrow do they find.
Except to make their heart content,
They miss their owner they left behind.

Here our pets run, jump and play,
Frolicking happily from tree to tree.
Then the day comes when one suddenly stops,
to see who a passerby may be.

Their eyes become bright and their body begins to quiver,
And away from the group they quickly depart.
For the familiar smell and notice by sight,
has identified you as their lost owner.

Oh happy the day when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion,
happy kisses rain upon your face,
as you realize your heart is no longer in seclusion.

As you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
so long gone from your life but loved forever.
And over the hill and down the path,
you both cross Rainbow Bridge together.... "

Author unknown...

The pet edge blog family would like all pet owners that have lost a loved one to know that we understand the value of your and the incredible role they play in your lives.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Pet Edge Blogspot Tribute to Our Special Friends

All of us want our pet to have the edge in life. Sometimes our love for our pets can't be described in words. A wonderful slide video of some really SPECIAL friends!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Dr. Carol Osborne and your pet advisor

Dr. Carol's Daily Essentials vitamin supplement for dogs and cats are now available exclusively through veterinarian, Dr. Carol Osborne. Contact Dr. Carol's office directly toll free at 1-866-372-2765 for details.

see the full article Click here

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Save Loads of Money on Dog Toys & Supplies at

I'm Not Making A Dime to Promote

Here is a recent post from a High School Student

I searched the forums but didn't see anything about this! I have a pet gift basket business and when I started out I searched hard for good prices on quality pet items (not the cheap junk from the dollar tree). Toys in other stores (i.e. pet smart) are so outrageous Im amazed that anyone would buy them... but of course pet lovers will do anything for their pets.

I finally found this website called Pet Edge ( They focus on selling to retailers and groomers, although no proof is required and there are no minimums. Their toys start at 49 cent and some of the best quality toys on there are only 1 and 2 bucks. For instance, here are the toys under 1$ ( Shipping is pretty decent too!

These toys are high quality, beautiful bright colors, cute shapes, seasonally focused (I have some adorable Christmas ones that play music when squeezed). They're not inky dinky either. My chow and black lab have a huge toy box full of them and they're the perfect size. The toys are perfect for small to medium dogs (chow, collie, lab = medium) and there are a few big dog selections available too. They have kong toys for less than 5 bucks (and if you have dogs you know how expensive they can be).

Anyway, I haven't told anyone else about this site since its where I get my business supplies but i thought i'd let you guys in on it. Im sure there are some other pet lovers out there like me.

Thanks for the tip Coleroo!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Does your pet have the edge? Is A Dog Human?

As a pet owner, I treat my dog like a king. I want my pet to have the pet edge. We have all been guilty of trying to relate to our dogs or other pets the way we relate to other humans. One must ask themselves if your pet can have complex emotions similar to humans, or are there actions based on instinct? The article gives a brief discussion on the author's insights to your pet's physicological make-up.

Trying to treat a dog like a human is called "Anthropomorphism" the dictionarystates that this means "Attributing human characteristics to things that are not human" . Your pet is not a small hairy person, he is of another species known as a "Canine."

Humans are capable of complex emotions like love, sadness, despair, jealousy, sympathy, hatred and loyalty. A dogs emotional state is more reactive, instinct driven, and survival orientated. Instinct is something which is either there or not there, and it covers survival, maternal, hunting, guarding, pack, and self-preservation.

Dogs are living in the present, they react to the immediate smell, sound, and movement. Dogs experience aggression mostly from their "Owners" who do not understand that the dog does not understand what they are talking about. Most weeks I have a client informing me that their dog is only able to understand Spanish, French, Swedish and the other day I was well informed that a dog could only understand Japanese!

Logic is alien to humans, all animals have an ability to communicate with eachother . I am able to communicate with a dog, since I am able to think like a dog, thats why I am called "The Dogman ! Dogs are unable to reason and when they lay on the floor are not capable of thinking "I wonder what mum is making for dinner", the dog will react only to a sound, smell, and to the immediate situation.

Many owners of pets will punish their pet after an event just like a child. This is non productive, and is called "Anthropomorphism." Try asking a dog what one and one equals? or simply deduct one from two, I bet he cant work it out!

In summary, if you are trying to give your dog the "pet edge", relate to your pet on a dog's terms...after all, even if we want to treat them like family, they are still an instinctive creature.

Read more of the article

You and Your New Pet

The article introduces a guide to ease the experience of you and your dog get to know each other better. The author lists a couple of neccesary steps to follow to help give your dog the pet edge.

This handy guide will help you and your new dog get acquainted. It also suggests several things to do in making your home, yard and neighborhood a safe and healthy place for your dog:

1. The all-important ID. It is imperative that you get an identification tag for your dog as soon as possible. Tags are readily available at pet stores or through offers made by petfood manufacturers. Include the pet's name, your phone number, and address (if room permits). The results of not getting a sturdy collar and tag can be tragic. If your pet should somehow become lost it may never be recovered without aproper ID.

2. The Safety Check. Be sure to safety check your home, yard and neighborhood so that your dog will have a safe and healthy environment. If you have a dog, make sure that your yard is fenced and gated to prevent it from escaping. Too many dogs arekilled by running into the street and getting hit by a car. When it comes to your home, keep in mind that puppies are especially curious. Puppies like to chew on things and get into things.

Give your dog the pet edge, make sure your pet is safe!

Read more of the article